4 definitions by tehsux

n. Programming term used to describe someone who is given all the tedious tasks on a project. Usually paid an average wage and left unattended/supervised for long periods of time. See also grunt.
- "So where do you work now?"
- "I am a software developer at <insert company name>"
- "Really?? Not a shit-kicker though???"
- "Na they call me super-allen"
- "sweetah"
by tehsux December 15, 2004
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1. Someone who rises above the ranks like Godzilla from the ocean
2. A giant among men; one who shows the way
3. A term coined to describe someone capable of mastadonic alcohol consumption
4. A programming term used to describe the team-member to whom you give all the unwanted work. See also shit-kicker.
1. Super-allen is our hero! Vote 1 Super-allen for president...

2. Man you can really knock back the brews!! What a super-allen!
by tehsux December 15, 2004
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noun (abbrev) "Butt-hungry-man-whore" Term that describes a guy of loose moral fibre...
Man you'll do ANYTHING... what a bhunmhore...
by tehsux December 14, 2004
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