2 definitions by tbone33126

1. When a person approaches a conversation between two or more people and interrupts with an extremely stupid and irrelevant comment.

noun: Interdouche
Friend A: "So I was totally digging this dude at the party last night."

Friend B: "Really, I think he was checking you out to"

ID: "Yea, that was totally rad"

Friend B: "That tard was totally just inter-douching"
by tbone33126 May 27, 2010
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When you driving and either you are following somebody unintentionally, or vice versa.
A "Dude that person keeps following me everywhere I turn"
B "Do you think it's a cop or you know them?"
A "No, I think they are just drivestalking me."
by tbone33126 May 27, 2010
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