4 definitions by taylen24

A derogatory term for forum posts which contain a direct or nearly direct copy-and-paste of memes, posts from older forum discussions, or other material, often accompanied by an attempt to pass off the contents as new and original. Commonly seen on 4chan.org's Random ("/b/") forum.
> I went to Taco Bell and tried
> to spend a $2 bill, and the
> cashier had no idea what it
> was and called the cops.

by taylen24 June 11, 2010
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An early morning, pre-game poop giving fantasy football owners alone time to ponder their lineups and adjust as needed. It often leads to over-thinking possible scenarios and making too many adjustments, usually negatively impacting the team's performance. Popularized by the character Rodney Ruxin on the FX show "The League".
Guy 1: Dude, where have you been all morning? The first games are about to kick-off!
Guy 2: I didn't know whether to start Fred Jackson or Andre Johnson in my flex position. I needed a long tinker stinker to adjust my team and eventually I changed my whole lineup around.
by taylen24 October 14, 2013
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A sport originating in the eighteenth century in which two women settle a dual of pre-menstrual angst by scissoring until one party passes or taps out.
Connie: Why the hell am I so pissed whenever you're around!?
Gertrude: Why don't you pull your bottom lip over your head and swallow!
Connie: I'm going to...
Alan, interrupting: Are you two PMSing or what? You need to settle this with some period fencing.
by taylen24 June 15, 2010
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A colloquialism used in the Upper Midwest for ice fishing. Ice fishing mainly involves putting a line into a hole in the ice and then drinking beer, playing cards, and watching sports. Empty beer bottles are dropped in the hole and filled with water to sink to the bottom of the lake. There are usually more bottles sunk than fish caught, thus you're in an ice house "sinking bottles".
Bryce and I spent about 5 hours sinking bottles and didn't catch a single fish. We did get a nice beer blanket on though!
by taylen24 January 14, 2015
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