4 definitions by taikamiya

Ragnarok Online; a MMORPG released by Koran based Gravity corp, quite often played on by private servers like many games that have gone p2p (pay to play). Many players that play iROSE have at one point played RO.
Wow, RO costs $9.50 a month?
by taikamiya March 7, 2005
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An interesting acronym; Can either mean:

1: Pay-to-play, games that charge monthly fees to play, or more often:

2: Peer-to-peer, the exact opposite; people on a network (usually a program like eMule or Kazaa over the internet) sharing computer files that are usually illegally cracked.
1: Games that are p2p drain money fast from subscribers, who either run out of money to fund it or have pockets deep enough to buy the company.

2: Hey, do you prefer eMule over Kazaa for your p2p needs?
by taikamiya June 3, 2005
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Speak to you later, probably a direct desendant of TTYL
Bob: oh god bees they're coming for me g2g styl
by taikamiya December 6, 2007
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The less-ghetto name for brass knuckles.
Taking a hit with a knuckle-duster in the face will not be very fun.
by taikamiya June 3, 2005
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