1 definition by sugars-sugars

Pronunciations: FI-JI, FEE-JEE
This word is used when you want to tell someone that they are excluded from the conversation. They're excluded because they were never included or they're being irrelevant.
This is usually said while doing a simple gesture: creating a kind of wall or divider between the person who is excluded and you and your friends.

Pro-tip: Say the word per syllable while whilst doing the hand gesture. "FI" when put out your arm and then "JI" when u bring ur arm towards you, gesturing the line/wall/divider.
Scenario 1:
*You and your friends talking*
Random person: Oh my gosh guys I so get what y'all be talking about
You: NO. FI JI!

Scenario 1:
*You and your friend talking*
Other friend: *walks by* Yes! I agree! I totes get this!
You: Uh NO. FIJI!!
by sugars-sugars November 23, 2015
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