2 definitions by ss-candy
A hug can be between friends, relatives, man and woman, and human and animal, as well as animal to animal. A hug is an expression of warmth and friendliness with arms outstretched around the other. Hugs are used as an expression of love, kindness, sympathy, friendliness, greetings and used sometimes to say goodbye. Hugs, or cuddles provide a sense of intimacy. If there is chemistry between two people when hugging, then a tingling sensation can occur.
She says:- "your hugs are amazing!"
He says, "Why, it's just a hug? Lol"
She says, "'Cause they make me tingle!"
He says, "Where do they make you tingle, lol"
She says, "All over!"
He says, "Lol."
The hugs made her tingle because she had chemistry for the guy, something that doesn't come along very often!
He says, "Why, it's just a hug? Lol"
She says, "'Cause they make me tingle!"
He says, "Where do they make you tingle, lol"
She says, "All over!"
He says, "Lol."
The hugs made her tingle because she had chemistry for the guy, something that doesn't come along very often!
by ss-candy March 2, 2010