2 definitions by someone out there is gonna get me

-a cool way to say that you are hot to both guys and girls

-a cool way to say you like guys and girls

-you're confused about your sexuality

-what i am
straight boy: that bisexual guy is hot!!!!!
straight girl: I thought you were str8?
straight boy: dude, he is like as hot as a girl, it doesn't matter (hard on in his pants)
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not to be confused with the perverted definitions placed before this hilarious word was invented, it officially means

The movement of the male anatomy (AKA; the penis) by an external force
(ie: wind, hand, body movement, the act of masturbation, erection)
to flop up and down excitedly
When the person ran with boxers in gym shorts, his weenis jongled uncontrolablly
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