1 definition by someguypersonfacedudething

Diarrhea that burns.
Have you ever put just a *little* too much hot sauce on your food?
Or had one too many spicy ceasars at the bar?
Or eaten literally anything at Subway?
Chances are that at some point after doing this, you experienced sitting on the toilet, gripping the seat in hopes that it would anchor you in place from launching through your bathroom ceiling with the force of a large spacecraft engine while your asshole reaches temperatures previously believed to be insurmountable by the human body. Afterward, you are left feeling violated and wondering how the EMS will reassemble the lower half of your body when and if you can reach a phone to call them.
I cannot eat jalapeno's anymore, because they give me fiarrhea.

Tom had fiarrhea at the carnival. His family was compensated for their loss and the park had to be closed for repairs.

Sriracha is like gasoline for fiarrhea but I eat it anyways, because I'm insane.
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