2 definitions by shrekisbaexoxo

The epic love story between Klaus Mikaelson and Camille O’Connell. The brave bartender and the 100 dollar guy. The two people who were cruelly seperated by death, but are now walking the streets of new orleans admiring the artwork in the afterlife
Do you ship klaroline?

Yes but i prefer klamille.
by shrekisbaexoxo December 1, 2020
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a very kool kid who sometimes goes by the name of andy and trtb . he is really good at basketball almost as good as troy bolton. he sometimes looks like a meerkat. he has one kool friend who’s a famous youtuber and one weird friend that’s very scary. he likes the song did i mention from descendants. he loves to sing.
Wow was that tbarr? he’s such a kool kid?
by shrekisbaexoxo December 2, 2020
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