5 definitions by shethey

What the app’s name should be.
Guy 1: Knock Knock
Guy 2: Who’s there?
Guy 1: Doctor
Guy 2: Doctor who?
Guy 1: No, Doctor whom.
by shethey June 24, 2018
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Guy 1: Hey, what's your adress?
Guy 2: You mean my address?
Guy 1: Yeah, whatever.
Guy 2: I wouldn't want someone knowing my address who can't spell it.
by shethey July 10, 2018
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A word that is extinct in the English language. Since it is extinct, I will provide examples of how to use it.

The easiest way to remember the difference between who and whom is by knowing the difference between he/him; I/me; they/them; him/her.

This is called the “m” rule. If you say something like “From who did you get that?” then it is incorrect. You wouldn’t say “You got that from he.” It wouldn’t sound right. Now, let’s take a look at an example with the word “whom” used incorrectly. “Whom passed?” she asked. It wouldn’t make sense to say “him passed,” so the correct word to use the is “who.”
Whom = “From whom did you get that book?”
Who = “Who gave you that book?”
by shethey May 3, 2018
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Objective case of “who.” The most incorrectly-used word in the English language.
If you can answer with him, you use whom.
If you can answer with he, you use who.

Person 1: Hey man, who did you vote for?
Person 2: You mean, for whom did you vote. You would not say "You voted for he."
Person 1: Hey man, who did you vote for?
Person 2: You mean, for whom did you vote. You would not say "You voted for he."
by shethey July 17, 2018
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Contraction for “there are”
There're two types of people in this world.
by shethey November 14, 2017
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