2 definitions by sc0rp

Some one who's being extremely lame or whipped.

Derivative of the "fagosaur", "fagosaurus" or "fagosaurus rex", but stays sensitive enough not to offend any gay friends you might have.
Vic - "You want to hit the gym tonight?"

Louis - "Nah man, I'm baking cupcakes with my girlfriend."

Vic - "You're such a feegosaur.."
by sc0rp July 28, 2011
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superbowl soo-per bohl

slang verb

1. the act performed by 2 people, each sitting sideways on the same toilet bowl, and defecating at the same time.
Man, I just superbowled the toilet with Louis. I feel bad for the plumber.
by sc0rp February 2, 2012
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