2 definitions by s@ndm@n

A physical condition in which one's motorcycle discontinues movement, as your body continues in it's current path. Symptoms include a sudden feeling of dread, and time slowing to an abnormal crawl as you think about all the reasons why this shouldn't be happening.
"Dude, did you know Eric got infected with Derwuditus yesterday? It just come out of the blue while on his Sunday ride..."
by s@ndm@n January 21, 2009
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Special dismount used primarily while riding quads. Methods include following someone down a hill, after seeing them struggle with a drainage gully on said hill. Dismount involves flying over the end of the quad, spread eagle, while the quad follows, flipping and landing on the rider several times. Aftermath of the dismount includes kicking dirt on the downed rider and saying "Harden the Fuck Up!"
"Dude, did you see that guy perform TheViking? Hurry up, we need to kick dirt on him!"
by s@ndm@n February 25, 2009
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