2 definitions by s,e,x

by s,e,x May 3, 2023
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Wingdings is series of symbols implemented by Microsoft in the 1990s. These symbols were packaged into a font so they could easily be used in word processors. So when you type a letter on your keyboard, a Wingdings symbol appears instead. Wingdings is known as a "dingbat" font because ornamental symbols called dingbats were often used by early printers for aesthetic purposes. its also the language of a character from the game UNDERTALE made by toby fox. WD Gaster (the undertale community thinks W.D stands for wingdings, and gaster comes from the "aster" font)
the language or symbols of wingdings or dingbats look like this:
"☜︎︎☠︎︎❄︎︎☼︎︎✡︎︎ ☠︎︎🕆︎︎💣︎︎👌︎︎☜︎︎☼︎︎ 💧︎︎☜︎︎✞︎︎☜︎︎☠︎︎❄︎︎☜︎︎☜︎︎☠︎︎

👎︎︎✌︎︎☼︎︎😐︎︎ 👎︎︎✌︎︎☼︎︎😐︎︎☜︎︎☼︎︎ ✡︎︎☜︎︎❄︎︎ 👎︎︎✌︎︎☼︎︎😐︎︎☜︎︎☼︎︎

❄︎︎☟︎︎☜︎︎ 👎︎︎✌︎︎☼︎︎😐︎︎☠︎︎☜︎︎💧︎︎💧︎︎ 😐︎︎☜︎︎☜︎︎🏱︎︎💧︎︎ ☝︎︎☼︎︎⚐︎︎🕈︎︎✋︎︎☠︎︎☝︎︎

❄︎︎☟︎︎☜︎︎ 💧︎︎☟︎︎✌︎︎👎︎︎⚐︎︎🕈︎︎💧︎︎ 👍︎︎🕆︎︎❄︎︎❄︎︎✋︎︎☠︎︎☝︎︎ 👎︎︎☜︎︎☜︎︎🏱︎︎☜︎︎☼︎︎

🏱︎︎☟︎︎⚐︎︎❄︎︎⚐︎︎☠︎︎ ☼︎︎☜︎︎✌︎︎👎︎︎✋︎︎☠︎︎☝︎︎💧︎︎ ☠︎︎☜︎︎☝︎︎✋︎︎❄︎︎✋︎︎✞︎︎☜︎

❄︎︎☟︎︎✋︎︎💧︎︎ ☠︎︎☜︎︎✠︎︎❄︎︎ ☜︎︎✠︎︎🏱︎︎☜︎︎☼︎︎✋︎︎💣︎︎☜︎︎☠︎︎❄︎︎






🕈︎︎☟︎︎✌︎︎❄︎︎ 👎︎︎⚐︎︎ ✡︎︎⚐︎︎🕆︎︎ ❄︎︎🕈︎︎⚐︎︎ ❄︎︎☟︎︎✋︎︎☠︎︎😐︎︎✍︎︎" - W.D Gaster

(translates to: "E︎N︎T︎R︎Y︎ N︎U︎M︎B︎E︎R︎ S︎E︎V︎E︎N︎T︎E︎E︎N︎

D︎A︎R︎K︎ D︎A︎R︎K︎E︎R︎ Y︎E︎T︎ D︎A︎R︎K︎E︎R︎

T︎H︎E︎ D︎A︎R︎K︎N︎E︎S︎S︎ K︎E︎E︎P︎S︎ G︎R︎O︎W︎I︎N︎G︎

T︎H︎E︎ S︎H︎A︎D︎O︎W︎S︎ C︎U︎T︎T︎I︎N︎G︎ D︎E︎E︎P︎E︎R︎

P︎H︎O︎T︎O︎N︎ R︎E︎A︎D︎I︎N︎G︎S︎ N︎E︎G︎I︎T︎I︎V︎E

T︎H︎I︎S︎ N︎E︎X︎T︎ E︎X︎P︎E︎R︎I︎M︎E︎N︎T︎






W︎H︎A︎T︎ D︎O︎ Y︎O︎U︎ T︎W︎O︎ T︎H︎I︎N︎K︎?︎")
by s,e,x July 8, 2023
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