2 definitions by s t a r

A short clip in which most is comprised of the youtuber Ali-A's intro, in which he says some stupid shit which has nothing to do with the video before playing his intro, the meme compromises of a video of someone saying something clickbaity before the intro plays, which is bass boosted
Ali-A: Look at this awesome new feature in Fortnite: Battle Royale!
*Commence Ali-A intro*
by s t a r July 8, 2018
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A insult so bad it can cause anything to instantly do the worse thing it can do, like explode real bad or something.
1: ur mum gay
2: ur dad lesbian
1: ur granny tranny
2: ur grandpap a trap
1: ur sisters a mister
2: ur brother a mother
1: ur mate straight
*The large hadron collider creates a black hole and swallows everything*
by s t a r March 20, 2018
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