2 definitions by robbie regan

it's a fun game untill you get to lvl 40, then it becomes a pain in the ass, but thank god for quests... ah yes quests, the hard as hell type of thing that you have to do for absolutly nothing and to consume your life and eat away your soul... like friends
flyff is fun! but this quest is fun and i finally i have all the items i need to complete the quest... all i needed is to get 5,000 rare item's that took 5 years to complete!
weapon smith: thankyou thankyou your reward is beging highly reconized for your deed.
by robbie regan March 7, 2007
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something we don't give a shit for.....not even at school
Teacher: you failed your test today because of your atrocase grammar
Student: yea well i don giv a shit fo it anymor and stik that in ur pipe and smok it wed woeman
by robbie regan March 7, 2007
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