6 definitions by rinseandrepeat

When someone uses exclaimation points after every sentence in their writing, usually someone too dumb to know how to use proper punctuation
Teacher: I couldn't read your paper because there was too much dumbshit punctuation.
by rinseandrepeat March 2, 2011
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The person that shows you around when you're new to a community; called the icebreaker because they usually help avoid awkwardness by starting small-talk.
Person 1: Who's that new girl? Person 2: I have no idea. All I know is that Mary is playing icebreaker for her.
by rinseandrepeat March 2, 2011
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Photos that girls take of themselves in which they are leaning down so that you can see down their shirts but everything remains covered up. Apparently it's supposed to be "sexy" but it's really not at all...
Girl: I think I'm going to upload some boobie shots tonight! Boy: Yeah, good luck with that.
by rinseandrepeat March 2, 2011
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facebook+romance; when two people are so obsessed with each other that they post on each other's Facebook walls at least 10 times a day
Person 1: Did you see Kira's post to Jacquelyn's wall? Person 2: Yeah, I'm so tired of their facemance. It's always in my news feed!
by rinseandrepeat March 2, 2011
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People that go to a public school but hang out with the private school kids merely because they wish they had the same lifestyle
Person 1: Why does Jane always hang around people from our school? Person 2: Oh, you know she can't afford our school. She's stuck in the public rut.
by rinseandrepeat March 2, 2011
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People that go to a public school but hang out with the private school kids merely because they wish they had the same lifestyle
Person 1: Why does Jane always hang around people from our school? Person 2: Oh, you know she can't afford our school. She's stuck in the public rut.
by rinseandrepeat March 2, 2011
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