2 definitions by reyuxe

A “Discord Tag” is what one uses to add someone on the app, Discord.
“Bro, what’s your discord tag? I wanna add you so we can talk!”
“My discord tag is {user}#{tag}!”
“Adding you right now! Accept my friend request!”
by reyuxe October 17, 2022
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A Jordan is a kind, sweet, smart, and caring girl who always has something to say. Jordan will never give up, and always encourages people to do their best, even if she is a shy girl! She often feels embarrassed around others, but close to her friends she always acts like herself. Guys LOVE Jordan! They drool over her, or in a friend / sibling way they like her! She’s always so sweet to others, you’ll forget about any trouble she has done, which is rare!
(Girl Name Version)
“She is such a Jordan, I knew at first sight!”
“Dude, that chick is a hella Jordan! I can just tell”
“How’d you guess i’m a Jordan? Is it how I act!? I’m amazed at your guess!”
by reyuxe October 17, 2022
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