3 definitions by rainbowflyingcat

a snow white : very kind and takes everything seriously, when she sets a goal, she'll never stop to achieve it. when u wanna complain bout something, she is a good listener.
Person 1: Wow, who's she? She is as beautiful as Snow White.

Person 2: Oh, thats Ee Ean. My best friend :D
by rainbowflyingcat June 5, 2023
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A Snow White. She is a good listener, great at pickup lines, and is kind and patient. Wanna complain something? Go to her. Need a comforter? Go to her. Need pickup lines? Go. To. Her. Dont ask questions. Just go to her.
Person 1: Omg who is that? She's like a Snow White.
Person 2: Oh, thats Ee Ean, my best friend.
Person 1: Wow, your so lucky.
Person 2: Yea, i'm thankful to have her in my life.
by rainbowflyingcat June 5, 2023
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Hadeya is a cute girl who haves a lots of friends, and will defend u when in trouble. If u have a friend name Hadeya, ur lucky.
by rainbowflyingcat June 5, 2023
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