1 definition by rAcHeLmBbBg

Just as the name, a Jilby is very rare. So rare, that when you type the name, that infamous red underline shows. That red line shows not to try to correct the spelling, but rather to underline the importance of the name and the person attached. So Grammarly, don't try to correct it, because 1), your name is also underlined, and 2), I know exactly who I'm talking about. I'm talking about Jilby, who makes the best mother and the kindest friend. Jilby is a loving woman with a big heart. A beautiful girl that enjoys the beach and warm weather. They might dislike baths and their birthdays, but they definitely deserve a celebration. They are social, smart, fun, and have a great laugh. They will make you laugh hysterically, or be there for you when you are struggling. They are also be total neat freaks and super organized. It is always a good thing to have a Jilby around! She is someone who works hard and cares about others. She's strong and is great at putting others first. A little too good to be honest. If you have a Jilby in your life, this is your sign to tell her to take a break and do something that she loves! To take care of herself like she would take care of someone else. A Jilby is loved by everyone around her and deserves that day to celebrate her. If your name is Jilby, and you are reading this on your birthday, Happy Birthday Jilby! You deserve this day to yourself, even though you might not like celebrating yourself. Celebrate your life!
Person 1: "Wow, Jilby is the best!"
Person 2: "Yeah she really is, that's my hardworking mom."
by rAcHeLmBbBg March 13, 2022
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