1 definition by queefless

EMP is an acronym for Electronic Monitoring Program. It is when a person has to wear an ankle bracelet and be under home monitoring for a certain period of time. A person on EMP cannot step out of the house within a certain boundary. If that person has to go somewhere like to drug class or church they have notify their EMP P.O. before they leave and then once they arrive home. If they do try to leave and run around the streets the other side of the monitor where the probation offices are will begin beeping.

Note that there is a difference between House arrest and EMP. EMP you wear a monitor, house arrest you don't.

People under EMP have to pay for the ankle bracelet and the machine which is usually over $600.
I'm on EMP for a drug offense

Man that sucks.
by queefless August 5, 2009
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