5 definitions by prettythingLOL

Liyana would have golden blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. she loves flowers, water and nature. she has a petite frame but is beautiful, loving, caring, intelligent, shy, and kind. she could make your life living hell if she wanted to and is very hard to get to know.
'she looks so carefree'
'yeah, thats Liyana'
by prettythingLOL May 13, 2022
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Xandara is a kind, polite girl who you can practically see through. she tries to hide her emotions, but fails sometimes, like a partly fogged diamond.she usually has flaming red hair or blonde hair, with green or blue eyes. she almost always has freckles, and an overprotective older sibling. she is beautiful in a quiet, calm collected way but does not see herself like that. she is smart and loves reading, you will often see her in an oversized sweater, leggings, fluffy socks, and curled up in a fluffy chair reading. because of her shyness, she is also self-conscious and always alert to what people are saying, fearing it might be about her.

when someone hurts Xandara's close friends or family, she will exact revenge. not violent or untamed, but will take time planning it. she will do it in public and always aims for you weak spot: social life, fashion, screens.... she will make your life living hell until the victim is satsified or she is satisfied.
"Is that Xandara? she seems to harmless. I can practically feel what she's feeling."
"Answers to your question: yes, that is her. you have no idea, not harmless at all. that's why she's delicate; she's so vulnerable with her emotions."
by prettythingLOL November 27, 2021
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Julia is a short, plump girl with a grandma face. she loves fashion and has a mildly rich family, and loves to talk about her money and what she has and where she goes for vacation. but underneath all of that she has a heart of silver, she feels unnoticed and feels the need to draw attention to herself. it draws attention to her in the wrong, bad way, but she still craves the attention. she wants to be adored and idolized.
"Is that a Julia?"
"How do you know?"
"Just the way she looks and carries herself."
by prettythingLOL January 1, 2022
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Sunidh is made for being a husband and dad. he loves his children, and would prefer 4 children. he is unconditionally funny and hilarious, and would do good things for those he loves. he is very smart and gets a good job, ends up with a very smart sexy wife that helps lives every day and gets paid more money than him, and becomes overly large. He might start a habit of farting a lot if the wife is also funny and easygoing, and he always fantasizes about the future. He knows how to have fun, and will play with anyone who needs cheering up. he is definitely an excellent father, and should always be treasured. he does fake shows about getting sexy with his wife, even when she pushes him away, she still finds it funny. he knows how to find a good wife that will deal with his funniness, nonsense, and sexiness.
"Damn, I wish I had Sunidh for a dad."
"I know, it's the best. last night we went to the movies and then a waterpark........"
by prettythingLOL November 26, 2021
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Lila is the type of girl that is smarter than every boy. she has a sassy side, and good expressions. she is really pretty and kind, but she can also make your life living hell. her revenge is always on point. she takes her time and uses her brain, and waits until you think she's forgotten about it. she loves to do many things and it multi-tasked. she can be any kind of color, but usually not fat or plump. she is also the girl that is willing to talk about boys with her friends, but does not have a crush. she has her own brand of craziness, and her friends are the perfect people for her to hang out with. she comes from a sort of big family, with loving parents and siblings she can fight with and knee in the balls. she cares about her appearance very little, but she still tries sometimes, and attracts heads in the hallway.
"Who's she?"
"That's Lila. she's super smart, funny and cool. You're lucky if you're friends with her."
by prettythingLOL January 1, 2022
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