4 definitions by pistolpete

1. One whose only sexual conquest to date is a computer modem.
2. One who uses a modem as an aid to masterbation or wanking.
1. Look at that computer goon, i bet he is a modem-puller.
2. Oh damn, my modem didnt survive me pleasuring myself while watching Captain Janeway. Must give up modem-pulling.
by pistolpete September 24, 2004
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Person who talks about guns without and knowledge of guns.
Don Lemon is a trigger tot, he doesn't know the difference between fully automatic rifle and automatic rifle.
by pistolpete January 17, 2017
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A old fashon way to say the doctor.
Because it happend that they choped some legs off and such things.
She over at the sawbones.
by pistolpete April 22, 2005
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A person who follows the media blindly without thought because they cannot think for themselves or their brain produces a chemical which inhibits all reasonable thought from surviving.
I don't like trumps Muslim ban! Stop being a mediaflake a five second Google search proves it is a ban on seven nations not Muslims.
by pistolpete February 21, 2017
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