5 definitions by pingin

Phrase taken from the movie human traffic, used commonly by the ecstacy takers of Newcastle. It is said to a mate in recognition of something cool that was done or said.
by pingin February 11, 2005
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Term used by drug dealers for their own personal stash of drugs that they arent selling.
Mate ya cant have those that's my persa
by pingin January 17, 2005
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An term for an Ecstasy tablet
Id like to buy 2 round ones and a point of gas please
by pingin December 17, 2004
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Alternate word for "Cunt", this word was introduced by the piss funny commedian Rodney rude
Your a dirty great big bewlky mate
by pingin January 17, 2005
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A term used to describe taking ecstasy with ketamine.
I was kitty-flipping the other night man, it was fuckin brilliant
by pingin January 27, 2005
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