6 definitions by pimpster69420

leader of the crows

tier 3 sub to Jayden Kim

enjoys grilled milk
"hey did you hear about Jackson Kilgore? I heard hes munch"

by pimpster69420 September 17, 2023
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The act of filling a waterslide with piss and cum and diving head first into it. It is fully enjoyed when you do it with multiple people and have sex in it afterwards.
"Did you hear about Jame's Washington Waterslide at his house last Friday? everyone contributed to fill it up!"
"Wow talk about a group effort!"
"I wish I went but I was too busy enjoying my girlfriend's Mississippi Birdbath."
by pimpster69420 September 17, 2023
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when a women puts a penis between a hair straighter and clamps it shut just when the man is about to ejaculate effectively "grilling" the semen
Did you hear michelle gave john a grilled milk yesterday??
Yikes that must've hurt like a bitch
by pimpster69420 December 14, 2021
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a cute 5'6 femboy that is also a weeb that likes yanderes
"did you catch Jayden kim's stream last night? he's so cute"
"im a tier 3 sub to jayden kim"
by pimpster69420 May 6, 2021
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A sexual act in which one partner performs an elbow drop onto the other's exposed testicles, similar to the move popularized by the Columbus, Ohio born WWE fighter Randy "Macho Man" Savage.
"hey did you hear about John and Jessica? Apparently Jessica gave John a Columbian Ball Buster."

"Wow that must've felt great for John!"
by pimpster69420 September 17, 2023
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