2 definitions by philosophicallydisturbed

"Don't tell me what to do!" Cries out the stereotypical teenager at his parents.
"You dumb fuck!" says his father "You just told ME what to do, You fucking hypocrite!"

Runs after him with a blade and cuts him up to little pieces.
Arrr! Murder, yeah!
by philosophicallydisturbed October 8, 2009
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1. A stupid statement, since no matter what you do, you're always "yourself".
2. A stupid statement, since there is no self. The self is just a collection of stupid memories.
3. A stupid statement, since obeying it, necessarily, leads to it's contradiction. You can't be yourself if you're doing it only because someone told you to.
1. Stupid motherfucker.
2. Stupid motherfucker.
3. Stupid motherfucker.

Conclusion: Be yourself. *sigh* Stupid motherfuckers.
by philosophicallydisturbed October 8, 2009
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