2 definitions by phantasmaqoria

1. A person attracted (usually exclusively) to people of the same gender. (LGBT)

2. An indescribable emotion that only LGBT people experience. May or may not relate to their attraction to someome of the same gender, though usually it just means really happy with an undefined reason.

1. A term used by straight assholes to describe people or things they dislike.
— Used to describe something distasteful, overly flashy, or flamboyant. I think they mean campy. They're not entirely wrong.
— Used to describe someone or something that is foolish or stupid.

1. To gay it up: To host or participate in a public meeting of three or more out LGBT people. Similar to what straight people call "going out with friends".

2. To gay a person or object up: To "give a makeover" to someone or something with the intent of making them look more flashy or flamboyant, or to fit the camp style popularized in the 80s.
1. James is gay. That means he likes guys.


Straight 1: Dude, that shirt is so fucking gay.

Straight 2: I know, right? It's neon pink and has a boa built into it!


Gay 1 (over text): HEY FJFNNFJDJ do yall wanna go gay it up this weekend?


Gay 1: Girl, we've gotta gay you up. I've seen you wear the same jeans and the same four t shirts every day for two years! Do you even OWN anything with glitter?
by phantasmaqoria May 10, 2018
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The Ides of March. Julius Caesar got killed on this day in history -- if you were born today, you've probably been accused of his death. (Or, at least I have).

You're a Pisces, terribly emotional but you try to hide it. You probably have a weird interest in knives or other bladed weapons. Maybe you /did/ kill Caesar...
Hey, watch out, that kid's a March 15 baby.
by phantasmaqoria October 18, 2019
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