2 definitions by pgs squad

(noun): a bitter tubby guy who thinks he is hot shit.

(adjective): used as way to describe an ugly fat guy, who is a conceited douche bag
Sandy: " wow, I cant believe that hamster ass mothafucker called me a scavenger!"

Lucy: " Yeah , that fat fuck has nothing else to say, he's just bitter he couldnt get any..hahah"

Sandy: " Hamsters , these days, smh"
by pgs squad April 27, 2010
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When you're too damn fat to be a hoodrat.

A fat hoochie.
Dayum did you see that hoodbear with a Big Mac?

She used to be a hoodrat in high school. Now 4 kids later she's a hoodbear.
by pgs squad February 14, 2014
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