2 definitions by pHiLL, meu amor

1. that akward feeling in what feels like your stomach (affects how you feel and think) which causes you to do/say really stupid things

2. the reason people kill themselves
3. the reason people live
You can't imagine how powerful love is.
Love is what drives you. . . . . . off a very high cliff.
by pHiLL, meu amor February 7, 2005
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n. an awesome boyfriend; mestre at capoeira (hehe); tHe OnLy GuY tHaT i'LL eVeR LoVe ThIs mUcH; the one who will always have my love, no matter what.
pHiLL does not need to question raCheL's love for him.
by pHiLL, meu amor February 7, 2005
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