1 definition by oxford Comma Cutie

Ravyn is a beautiful woman inside and out. She has been through a lot ; parents divorced, bullied, her grandma committed suicide and a month later her step-grandfather sexually abused her she was poor growing up and had to raise herself and her siblings. 3 of her uncles died from heroin overdoses.

Sad as her life has been, Ravyn has always been exceptionally intelligent, and a caring, sweet little lovebug, with the desire to make the world a better place.
She has ADHD so she never did well 'in school, but gobbled up books and has loved learning anything she can because she's very curious and philosophical.
She loves her family.
she forgives everyone because she knows humans are imperfect and life is hard.

Ravyn is too honest and she over shares about everything. She will spend her whole life trying to make the world a better place.
* she believes the only way to justify PAIN and suffering is to share your expierences and things you've learned with someone else and help them through hard times.*
TLDR: Ravyn has a podcast called Sisterverse on YouTube, Spotify, Breaker, Radio Public, Apple Podcasts. Anchor, etc

where the shares her life, experiences, funny stories and lessons learned.
Ravyn will make the world a better place - even if it's just for one person. She's gorgeous, petite and very loving. she wants to see everyone succeed.
Person A: "Have you checked out Sisterverse on YouTube or Spotify?"

Person B:"Yes! I love Ravyn! She's so sweet, funny and pretty. I've learned so many things from her and I'm feeling like a much better version of myself.
by oxford Comma Cutie October 9, 2021
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