3 definitions by overlordnat

As the previous commenter said, to ‘play ship’s mast’ is to climb out of the passenger seat of a car with the belts out of both windows and to lie on the bonnet/hood holding the belts while travelling at speed. The film in question is called Deathproof however, not Grindhouse.
Say you’ll suck him off to convince him to lend us his car and then we’ll play Ship’s Mast!”
by overlordnat December 4, 2022
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British slang for ‘on a drinking spree’, especially when drinking fizzy alcoholic drinks rather than spirits/liquors, and thus a synonym of various other similarly formed phrases like ‘On the piss/drink/lash/razz’. Green’s dictionary of slang also claims it can refer to taking drugs intravenously - I haven’t heard that but then I don’t hang around in those circles.
I was ‘on the pop’ last night. I drank 5 pints of beer, 2 pints of cider and an alcopop!
by overlordnat November 1, 2023
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An Italian-American term for a black person used in the film Raging Bull by Jake La Motta’s manager about his opponent, Reeves, at the start of the film.
Knock the moulie out, Jake!”
by overlordnat October 10, 2020
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