24 definitions by optical_epilepsy

A man who is good at pretending to respect women, when in reality he thinks she is pointless unless she will have sex. These guys make it difficult for men who foolishly think respecting women is the way to her heart.

Unfortunately, this is the type of person women are attracted to the most

Not to be confused with jerk or misogynist as these men don't pretend to respect women, and tend to glamorize the concept of disrespecting women.

This is the leading cause of gold diggers, materialism and misandry
Any musician who brags about how much money he has or will spend on a girl is likely a pseudo-phylogynist because it's not necessary to do so if all you want is a relationship

The song Whatever U Like by T.I. is a great example
by optical_epilepsy March 18, 2011
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This is a test performed on somebody who is not replying to your text messages or has broken the 24 hour reply rule.

The test is to wait a MINIMUM OF 168 HOURS (this is very important) after the last time you sent them a text, and then send them a very universal conversation starter.

If they break the 24 hour reply rule again, then you have proven that they do not want to text you. That's because the chance of them coincidentally not having 15 seconds of time to reply to your text in 2 24 hour periods that are a week apart (assuming they have access and service to their phone) is less than 1 in a billion.

The only possible way this can be the case is if their phone is physically removed from their possession or destroyed. Although this is quite possible, if you keep in touch with the person through other means (facebook, myspace, or especially a face to face conversation) you can find out for sure.
Peter: Damn this girl ain't texting me back, wow

Steve: Has it been 24 hours since you last texted her?

Peter: Yea, why?

Steve: Do the 7 day reply test, wait a week and send her a conversation starter if she doesn't reply 24 hours after that then her phone must be lost/stolen/broken or she ain't tryna text you
by optical_epilepsy September 3, 2010
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Somebody who takes an exaggeration, a figure of speech, or a hyperbole literally as a pathetic attempt to make you sound stupid

It's ironic though how when ever somebody tries to be one, after they rebuttal, all you can hear are crickets chirping
Normal Person: It's raining cats and dogs outside!

Hyperbodick: Animals can't fall from the sky you fucking moron! This faggot bitch cunt seriously thinks cats and dogs can fall from the sky, what a retard!

Normal Person: (pulls out pistol)
by optical_epilepsy June 12, 2011
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