3 definitions by oozio

top shelf quality joints sold in half grams in a jar with five total. run about $40 each.
aye bro let’s pick up some jeeter joints

aight g you got $20? let’s go halfers on it
by oozio June 9, 2022
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good ass suicideboys song
1) have you listened to magazine yet?”
2) bro that shits too good

3) ruby went bonkers
by oozio April 5, 2022
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a new age love language. something only the best of friends or significant others may take part in. sharing painkillers/taking them simultaneously is seen as a very wholesome moment, between two or more humans.
‘hey, you wanna partake in sharing painkillers together?’

‘it would be an honor, i feel accepted and loved by you to be considered in such plans!’
by oozio January 22, 2024
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