3 definitions by nothing_just shut up

the best music in the world. literally so calming and everything.

LISTEN TO IT unless you dont like it which i dont like you.
cool person: hey have you listened to gymnopedie no 1? it really calmed me down and everything.
me: yeah i feel so peaceful
by nothing_just shut up April 24, 2022
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Something I have.
No, it's not lack of control.
No, it's not eating as much as you can.
No, it doesn't include guilt or regret (when eating).

People who have this disorder might be:
other important mental health issues
Bored (like me)
or others
My family: *switches off the internet*
Me: I'm bored
Me: *starts binge eating*

Life lesson: don't switch off the internet or binge eating disorder will happen
by nothing_just shut up June 6, 2022
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the best shiz in the world. its the best "spooki dookey" game ever made

BUT with the weirdest fandom
fnaf fandom: oH mY GREgory!! yOu made me shiT my panTTTSTSSS nsgajsgadqwhjgdsha I alwayS SHit bacK
hi have you played fnaf? its really awesome
yeah its kinda fun
by nothing_just shut up April 25, 2022
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