4 definitions by noop

Beats paper. Like totally beats paper. Always. Ask Aziz, he knows.
"You don't know Tiger Hand? Tiger Hand beats paper. Like totally beats paper. Always."
by noop July 9, 2004
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Dude dont be a that scroto in computer programming is a scroto
by noop April 15, 2005
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an acronym used for barbecue but sometimes used to point out the absurdity of using acronyms online.
i was all like, 'dude, omg wtf stfu bbq'
by noop August 4, 2004
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a sega genesis game, starring shaquille o'neal and best described as 'bruce-lee and the harlem globetrotters had a demon/zombie/robot baby-spawn that everyone hated and loved at the same time'
shaq fu was teh suck.
c'mon, admit it. you owned shaq-fu. or at least rented it.
by noop August 4, 2004
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