29 definitions by no one

unlike a savior in every aspect possible; one of crushing heartlessness.. one with potential to be beautiful, but fundamentally void of soul.
Trust in your polynesian savior, he will give you hope, but you will ultimately lose a friend.
by no one April 11, 2005
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the most annoying internet media player. from the installation to using it, users will be greeted with various ads such as upgrading and some aol shits. this fucking media player loads and closes as quick as a snail, and each action is associated with an ad.
fuck man real player even creates a separate process just to display fucking ads.
by no one August 7, 2004
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Everything BUT HER face ie: butterface

When a girl has a nice body but is ugly as hell in the place that counts the most...the face!!
That girls body is hot but damn she's a buttaface!
by no one December 23, 2003
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-initially derived as a short form Of Roger
-Also the tiger off of Alladin
-BUT mostly is a guy that loves to get "jiggy" with it. can be black or white. OR a little of both. Knows what to do and when to do it.
-Hey Raga hows it goin?
-(jasmine) Hows my Raga doin today?
- Look at the guy, wow, he such a Raga
by no one March 10, 2005
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the act of drinking too much and complaining about unfit men
That girl is heavy into eileenism
by no one March 4, 2005
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a school in pennsylvania with incredibly HOTTTTTTT guys
haverford is home of the hotties
by no one November 12, 2004
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