32 definitions by nitro

a car that side-swipes or t-bones another car in an accident.
"he tried to swerve but couldn't clear the other car in time, and bang! slipshot right into her."
by nitro November 8, 2003
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a snack or small meal; usually for anirexics who do not eat that much
yo i gotsta grab a snackie ba' fo we bizzle up outa hizzle

transla: hey i got to grab a snack before we bounce uo out of here
by nitro April 30, 2004
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The store I work at. Gets lots of retarded customers
"I'd like to return this"
"You can't"
"Why not?"
"It's against our policy. Sorry."
"Your policy sucks my cock"
"*BANG* splatter"
by nitro March 3, 2003
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