1 definition by mysteriousdudeinthecorner

Lily is the most amazing beautiful girl in the usa. She has dance moves that could send a guy in a trans for days. Lilys are always loved and are always looked to for advice. Guys love lilys too.

baby: cute, big eyes, adored
toddler: cries on birthday and is cuddly
tween: turning into a masterpiece
teenager: gorgeous and everyone adores her
adult: wonderful mother and DOESN'T TAKE YOUR CRAP
elder: loves sharing stories and adores little children and enjoys life.
Joe: "oh. my. god."
Oliver and Joe: "I call her!"
Olliver and Joe: "No! I called her first!"
Joe: "NO I DID."
Oliver: "NO."
Mysterious guy: "Damn guys you can't have her she's Lily!"
by mysteriousdudeinthecorner August 24, 2009
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