3 definitions by mollyzanlean

Movie Making aka Film making in terms of editing video game footage. Note: mvm is not the same as an "edit"(people that say otherwise don't know what they are talking about...) Mvm are longer,in general require more work and usually has a story behind it.
Have you finished your mvm?
No, its taking quite a while. I still have to render some things in C4D
by mollyzanlean November 27, 2016
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What non-vegans call a soyboy. The vegan community and nutritional literature asserts that soy doesn't raise estrogen in the body (unless ingested in huge amounts), but milk has been proven to do so and decrease testosterone in males. It is thus the scientifically correct and derogatory slang to call to a feminine man.
Just look at that soyboy jeez.

He actually drinks a lot of milk and doesn't eat soy burgers at all. He's a milkboy
by mollyzanlean August 21, 2021
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Someone whose political viewpoint is a of a democracy. A person that supports democracy.
There's anarchists, communists, fascists... what about democracists?
by mollyzanlean September 8, 2021
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