1 definition by mkay*

The people of the greatest nation in the world. We respect other cultures, and are tolerant, unlike European people who stereotype us as fat and lazy. FYI, everyone in America doesn't like McDonalds... in fact many of us don't... and by the way there is McDonalds EVERYWHERE!!

George W. Bush is in no way an example of a "typical" American. In reality, there are no "typical" Americans... We are a melting pot of many cultures.

So before you diss the Americans, think of this.

OUR ANCESTORS ARE ITALIAN, SPANISH, GERMAN, FRENCH, SWISS, GREEK, etc. So yeah keep insulting yourselves =D
*German guy*: Americans are fat and dumb.
*American w/ German ancestry*:Yeah dude, our ancestors were cousins. Think it through
by mkay* February 20, 2009
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