2 definitions by mhuncho

Indian girl

theyre all intelligent and know how to keep a house looking peng . their cooking is top notch. got strict/strictish parents but some of them rebel. some of them are fucking gorgeous and sexy. u see them in the gym squatting or lifting. u pull them by having dmc or chatting bout their family/career/goals. most stay loyal unless u fuck up then u fuck up real bad u cant fuck with another indian girl coz they all friends.
person1: yo whos that light skinned browny
person2: thats my Indian girl dawg
person1: yh? ur punching hard
person2: stfu lol shes mine tho
by mhuncho July 9, 2019
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they are peng tings with brains. they always be lifting everyones mood. all the guys wanna chat to them but they normally going out with a prick and they too goddam loyal. they normally roll through with peng friends so its hard to get them on their ones. they know how to party hard.
guy 1: yo whos that girl i swear i seen her before
guy 2: YhYh thats that girl from instagram.she looks better upfront ngl
guy1: oi thats marly
guy2: oh yeahh
by mhuncho July 9, 2019
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