2 definitions by mephix

Remarkable ability to satisfy your partner's every sexual need using precision, knowledge, and agility.
Guy: How about we take this party to my place?
Girl: Boy, you best have some damn good sexterity if you wanna get down with me.
by mephix August 10, 2014
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Putting your pet front and center on your online dating profile to get more dates.
Borrowing someone else's pet to put front and center on your online dating profile to get more dates.
"Awww, he's not my type, but that puppy is so cute! I'm going to go on a date with him just to meet his puppy"
"Don't do it! He's pet bae-ting, and that puppy might not even be his! If you're going to go on a date with him, at least go on a zero date before you go on a first date".
by mephix October 5, 2022
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