29 definitions by marthakay

Noun - Marthakay is the psuedonym for an Upper South journalist, photographer and researcher. Born Feb. 11, 1958. A pundit on popular culture relating to the baby boomer generation and a social illuminatrix helping those of that age to decipher the way that current popular culture affects them and their offspring, co-workers and people unlike themselves.
Marthakay wrote an essay for our "Class of 1976" email list about how baby boomers either go overboard trying to relate to young people or they ignore and disqualify anything that they don't understand.
by marthakay February 5, 2006
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A sound that one makes in response to a particularly bitchy or catty comment by another. Similar to "Meow," as in, "Meow to you, too!" It's a comment that Scarlett O'Hara. Suzanne Sugarbaker or a Betty Cavanna character would make. Or a comment that someone would make to the aforementioned. It's a feminine "touche" - Wrawl!
Suzanne: Who's heading up the debutantes' reunion this year?

Julia: Caroline is doing it again.

Suzanne: I don't understand why Caroline is always organizing these things. She wasn't even popular and the only reason she was a Deb was because of her Great-Aunt Ruby.

Julia: Wrawl!

by marthakay March 27, 2007
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(droplifted) In addition to leaving merchandise in a store, droplifing may also involve coupons that the dropee does not need or want, discreetly left near the item affected by the coupon. It is extremely bad form to leave expired coupons but it's OK to leave coupons that expire the date they are droplifted. This form of droplifting is generally a female activity but not exclusively so.
A very polite and appreciated practice common in the Upper South i.e. southern Ohio and Indiana, West Virginia and Kentucky. It's more commonly done at stores that offer double coupon redemption such as Kroger and Meijer than stores that don't such as Walmart.
When a store has a super-double coupons redemption day or week, it is even more practiced.
"I got my deodorant for free at Kroger because it was on sale, they had super-double coupons, plus someone droplifted the right dollar-off coupon on the display!"
"I had more toothpaste coupons than I could use, so I droplifted them before they expired."
by marthakay December 12, 2005
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Some grocery stores such as Kroger and Meijer offer super-double coupon redemption from time to time. This is when a manufacturer's coupon may be redeemed for two times the face value but generally not more than a two dollar total.
"I had five dollar off coupons and it was super-double coupons day at Kroger so I was able to get five tubes of toothpaste for free."
by marthakay December 12, 2005
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Assectomy – the procedure in which an asshole is separated from an institution, employer or personal relationship because of being an asshole.

Some survive an assectomy by joining AA Assholes Anonymous and participating in a 12-step program to reform their lives. Others just go on to another institution, employer or personal relationship to repeat the cycle in an endless loop of assholiness.
When Bill was dumped by Karen, he went through a brief period of remorse following the assectomy but did not continue his 12-step Assholes Anonymous group and went on to inflict his assholiness on yet another sad but unknowing victim.
by marthakay October 29, 2006
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(noun) Barbie end tables are the little plastic thingies found in a pizza box that keep the box from collapsing and smashing the pizza. They are a perfect size to use as a Barbie doll accessory as an end table.
We got five pizzas delivered and my niece started to cry because she found out that we threw away the Barbie end tables.
by marthakay December 12, 2005
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Bapolics are found mainly in South Louisiana, where as they are known to say, "We have both religions here - Baptist and Catholic." Bapolics are mixed-religion families. A Bapolic may have Baptist parents but Catholic grandparents or great-grandparents. Or they could have one Baptist parent and one Catholic parent. They could be Catholic with a lot of Baptist cousins. These people are still family and do interact with each other.
My mother was Baptist but enough of a Bapolic that she could whip up a little chapel cap to wear to a wedding Mass out of a net onion bag and some artificial flowers. This was back when women had to wear hats inside Catholic churches pre-Vatican II.

In our Bapolic family, when the Catholics throw a party there is always beer. When the Baptists throw a party, the beer was iced down in an ancient Co-Cola ice chest in the bed of my uncle's pick-up truck. The truck was parked a half of a football field away from the other guests.

Etiquette: Bapolic families are considerate enough of each other's religions that if they have to attend each other's services, they would never attempt to take Communion. But the Baptists don't kneel during Mass, which causes problems sometimes especially at First Communions, weddings and funerals when there are a lot of people in the church. This is because the people behind them who are kneeling don't have any place to rest their elbows on the back of the pew while kneeling themselves and waiting for their turn to go up for Holy Communion. This causes a lot of discomfort on the old knees and difficulty in maintaining balance.

Nobody ever tells the Baptists that this is a problem or suggest they just sit a little forward on their seats. Bapolics are painfully polite most of the time, at least in front of people of the other religion. Otherwise they can tell jokes like my Baptist cousin who said, "You know what that ol'priest sounds like he's sayin'? 'I'mmmmm gonna walk my dog and you're gonna walk your dog tooooo-ooooo.'"

Baptists always cover their beer cans with coozies and everyone pretends they don't recognize the Budweiser logos sticking out of the top of the can. Catholics only have to cover their beer cans with coozies when they are drinking with the Baptists (out of respect) or when it's really hot outside, which it often is in South Louisiana.
by marthakay October 15, 2006
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