1 definition by mar1881

Mictlan’s are strong and mysterious people, and just like their name, they’re rare to find. If you’ve ever encountered a Mictlan, it’s most likely that you got along with them immediately. Although they are known for being loners and independent humans, they have the ability to connect with strangers and make them feel at home. If you meet a Mictlan in a party and get them talking, they’ll more than likely know your whole life story by the end of night. Witty, inspiring, fun and profound, having a Mictlan in your life is one of the greatest pleasures out there. They value honesty and justice above all, they will never tell you what you need to hear but what will actually help you move forward, and will always speak up when they see something wrong. They keep their friend group small and are loyal to it; Mictlan’s are also not an open book, they’re very kept to themselves and there will always something about them hidden from you.

All in all, having a Mictlan in your life is a blessing and an adventure. If you have one, go and call them right now and tell them how amazing they are, they are very oblivious to their own greatness.
I met a guy last night and we talked all night! He’s such an interesting person.

Really? If he’s so great he must be called Mictlan!
by mar1881 January 31, 2020
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