2 definitions by manos5150

A person who is a coat-tail rider, especially in the case of musicians. Having no real talent of their own, they attatch themselves to the asshairs of the talented much like a dingleberry to attempt to ride their hard work and dedication to the stars. A.K.A. Asstronaut.
"That dude tried to tell me he WROTE that whole album, but I heard the band playing it two years before he joined. Lyin BASTARD. He only joined cause they put that record out in the first place. He probably thinks he's gonna be on mtv or some lame shit like that. haha what a fuckin asstronaut."
by manos5150 January 16, 2007
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Noun. Describes a woman who's such a twat and a cunt that she's actually a mutation of the two, a big, fat, hairy, smelly twunt. Like a cancer, twunts are becoming an epidemic.
That fuckin twunt wouldn't stop bitching all morning. Who the fuck jams that much sand into their pussy before coming to work, anyway? I mean, FUCK... I should've just fuckin punched the fuckin whore. just shut the fuck up already.
by manos5150 January 16, 2007
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