3 definitions by malewife.cclydeve


Wendy Testaburger from the hit show 'south park'.
person 1: wow have you seen the new south park episode?
person 2: yes!! wendy is SUCH a girlboss.
by malewife.cclydeve January 19, 2022
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A girlboss youtuber who makes gacha club videos.
Person 1: gacha club videos suck.
Person 2: what about Kitpawz's videos?
Person 1: no, she's an exception.
by malewife.cclydeve January 19, 2022
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Clyde Donovan

(im just doin' this since all the other definitions are fanon 🙄)

Clyde Donovan is a character from South Park, he's very dumb but he's a fan favourite.
He needs more screentime.
Person 1: I hate Clyde Donovan.
Everyone else: kys.
by malewife.cclydeve January 19, 2022
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