4 definitions by made by 54734

if someone says whowhatwhenwherewhyhow the would say it quite fast it is an expresion of confusion
the sky is green

by made by 54734 June 23, 2021
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ragabonds is when someone feels really tired but then when someone goes to bed they feel super awake there are different stages of ragabonds stages 1-10 how to cure stage 1-3 you sit up and daydream until your tired 4-7 you walk around your room a bit 8-10 leave your room and do something that makes you tired you generally feel restless
i have the ragabonds

whats that

i cant sleep im a stage 9

oh ok

how can i help

you cant really

ill be back

bye bye
by made by 54734 June 24, 2021
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the definition of akrend is when you reach akrend when you reach a phase of inner annoyance. YOU KNOW YOU HAVE REACHED AKREND WHEN YOU GET TENSE AND ARGUE EVERYDAY for ten years then you have reached akrend. arguing can be with yourself or your floor or anything but if you naturally do that for ten years then you have reached akrend.salwa is the only one in the world who has reached akrend
i have reached internal akrend

whats that

i have argued and tensed naturally for ten years

oh what are its perks

you are able to be calm and feel fulfilled for the rest of your life
by made by 54734 June 23, 2021
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if someone says lapadapa they are at the peak of their happiness it is usually said when laughing
hahahahhaha lapadapa
by made by 54734 June 23, 2021
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