3 definitions by lily beetle

Spazz-badge....the Blue badge that disabled drivers display to get parking concessions.
Hey....don't forget the Spazz-badge....the traffic wardens are shit-hot handing out parking tickets down there today!
by lily beetle November 7, 2015
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The Pewit bird is declining in numbers in overcrowded little Britain, but not the human Pewit; (Poorly Educated White Indigenous Trash) who, thanks to unemployment and generous State benefits are successfully breeding and creating a continuing demographic time-bomb.
by lily beetle May 3, 2015
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Someone who absurdly prefers dogs to humans, shares a bed with the filthy critters and either jacks them off or lets the mobile shit-machines, sniff, lick or nuzzle their genitals or penetrate them for sexual gratification.
Paedophiles have a bad press in Britain but they pale to insignificance compared to the abundance of moronic caninophiles at large in the community.
by lily beetle October 27, 2014
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