1 definition by liekzmudkipz

Originating from a blending of the noun "Japan" and the slang term "noob", Japanoob is someone - usually English or American - who dives head first into Japanese culture and believes that everything is so 'Kawaii!' and addresses their friends as '-chan' or '-san' because English is no longer good enough for them. They emerse themselves in manga, anime, and yaoi, and fully impose their 'interesting' and 'unique' hobby on everyone else in the west. Sometimes they disguise themselves as video game or manga characters, this is called 'cosplay'. They generally fail and are over weight, lonely teenage girls.
Daphne: What? that's not even English!
Andrew: Ignore her, she's being a Japanoob.

The japanoob staked the manga section , making fleeting comments about how awesome Dante and Nero making out would be
by liekzmudkipz May 21, 2008
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