4 definitions by leemoney

A true test of endurance. super skeet shoot suckoff requires contestants to skeet on as many random objects as they can over the course of an evening.
will you be attending the super skeet shoot suckoff?
by leemoney January 2, 2008
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To pass gas in a rather violent and arromatically unplesant manner. (bust a duglas)
look out! I can tell by the look on your dogs face that she is about to bust another duglas.
by leemoney January 1, 2008
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The portion of the male genetalial that is located in the crotch region of the pants.
If you shake it more than twice your guilty of playing with your doo-waggler!
by leemoney January 2, 2008
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A McDickbeater is a brisk slap with the doo-waggler to any body part, including but not limited to, the face. (sometimes served with cheese)
As Sally bent over to pick up the towel, I slipped her a quick McDickbeater with cheese.
by leemoney January 2, 2008
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