3 definitions by lazy mofo


When the penis gets hard during a sexual act. A boner or erection.
I get a hardizzle everytime she sucks my dick.
by lazy mofo July 27, 2006
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slim shady ep

The 2nd album dropped by the rapper Eminem. Also was the inspiration for his first major album Slim Shady LP, which went triple platinum.
by lazy mofo July 25, 2006
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Slim Shadey

1st of all you guys dont know how to spell SHADY. Don't sweat it though lol. but yea slim shady is a pretty dope rapper. Got some seriously hard lyrics. FO SHO! Alter Ego to Eminem.
Marshall Mathers aka Eminem aka Slim Shady has won shit loads of awards.

Slim Shady is not spelled slim shadey! hahaha.
by lazy mofo July 25, 2006
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